

Today is the kick off day for activism regarding Cop26. Check out events nov5th strike led by youth , nov 6th global day of action , nov 7-10 peoples assemblies, check out this film by Fridays For Future and have a viewing party:  Oct 16th world concerts organized by fridays for future

Berkeley Friends on Wheels

Please come and support Berkeley friends on Wheels Thursday 10/7/21, anytime you can spare, between 7am and 4pm, 8th and Harrison St., Berkeley, CA, to document the treatment they get from Berkeley City officials, and help them continue to be a supportive community for each other.

the border police are a tool of the state, What the US has done for Haitian refugees

9/22/21 Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world today. At the inception of colonization it was a tropical paradise. It has endured genocide of its native people, and the most brutal slavery of African people, and now: accelerated climate crisis enhanced natural disasters. During colonization, This small island the size of Maryland, …

the border police are a tool of the state, What the US has done for Haitian refugees Read More »