
on a global level the worlds Largest, Stinky Climate fake solution biofuel refinery is on The verge of being unleashed on our SF Bay Area

dear friends this will cause much harm to our health and the future of the planet, show up Tuesday 5/3/22 at 8:30 am: action alert toolkit: & social media action toolkit:

Climate Caroling

Some of us went Climate Caroling today. Spreading the message of climate divestment with music and holiday cheer is a nice holiday gift to ourselves. A lovely young bunch with a baby joined us. and people were graciously willing to take pictures and giggled at our funny lyrics. A perfect activity for a sunny California …

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SF BAy Area People’s Assembly: California/SF Bay Resolution

Overall Goal: Negative emissions by 2030 Energy: Publicly-owned solar & wind farms Retrofit buildings Decentralize the power grid, empower small producers (like rooftop) Transportation: Free electric public transportation run on renewables Reduce air travel Expand electric vehicle use Financing: Austerity for the rich, conservation & moderation for the middle class Raise taxes on the wealthy …

SF BAy Area People’s Assembly: California/SF Bay Resolution Read More »

SF Bay Area People’s Assembly: Climate Resolution for US Federal Government

~~PASSED UNANIMOUSLY NOVEMBER 7 2021~~ National Goal: The US will become net-zero by 2030 Financing: The US will cut its  military budget by 75% and close overseas military bases Increase the top marginal tax rate to 90% End subsidies for the fossil fuel industry Establish Public Banking Justice/International: The US will provide financial and technological …

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